Friday, February 20, 2009

Side Post: John Locke

Terry O'Quinn, who plays Locke on LOST, lives in Hunt Valley. Apparently my roommate once stood in line with him at the Starbucks. Would you not shit your pants? I'm guessing most people would go for the autograph, but I'd turn and book the hell out of there. No crazy physics-defying island life for me, thank you.


  1. Live*d*

    He moved to Hawaii.. he may move back when the show is over. Or he may stay in Hawaii (I would). Or, more likely, he'll move to LA since he'll prolly be hot shit once Lost ends.

    But yeah, I knew he was an MD native. Howard Hughes.. woot woot.

  2. Actually, it's his wife that's the (Finksburg) MD native... so the wife won't let him ever leave. She actually likes MD?

  3. You gots a problem with the F-burg there sparky?

    As I lived there for 20 odd years I gotsta represent : P

    They may still own a house in MD, but they're definitely living in Hawaii and as lovely as Maryland is... do you think any woman would opt to leave Hawaii for us? Hmmmmm?

  4. I was under the impression he was a half year here/half year there kind of guy -- from everything I'd heard he's in MD when he's not filming. I get the impression he's not much of a spotlight lover.
