Sunday, May 17, 2009


And why does the p0pcult logo look like it says pApcult? I'm not even going to go there, it's just too low even for me, but srsly.


Geek of the week award goes to...

Me. That's right, it goes to me. And I'll tell you why!

I was feeling a bit peckish today around 2 pm, and decided to kick it old school, and by old school I mean circa 1996, which can only mean one thing.

It's time to kill zombies, Resident Evil style, on an original playstation.

I am, by no means, a console geek. I will never claim to be, because I have no real love for console gaming. Table top RPG, hell yes, I will even DM old school D10 style, because I can remember how to do that (just don't ask me to convert a D10 to a D20 system, because that shit takes FOREVER.) However, the most current console system I own just happens to be the original playstation, because I never saw the need to spend $250+ on a few hours of mind numbing entertainment.

And yet, when I want to shoot zombies, I expect my playstation to work flawlessly, because hell, my original NES still works flawlessly, and by flawlessly I mean I still blow into the game cartridges to get them to load. Yes, I'm THAT old.

So I hunt down ResEv, the original mind you, only all I can find is the damn jewel case, because I think I left it with an ex boyfriend. Whatever, I still have the Activision Classics series, offering me such gems as Frogger and Pitfall. I love me some Pitfall on a cloudy Sunday afternoon.

So I pop in the disc, load the game, and realize that the only button functioning on my archaic Dualshock controller is the start button. Balls. Big ones. Off to Gamestop.

I figure, if ANYONE is going to carry an original playstation controller, it has to be Gamestop, because they carry EVERYTHING. I went into Gamestop in O-Mills a few years back, not so long ago, and they actually had original NES games. I bought the original Dragon Warrior, IN ITS ORIGINAL BOX, for $0.99. Go me.

I get to Gamestop, and there's these two kids behind the counter. They're literally kids, 16 at best, not a facial hair to share amongst themselves, and they look at me like I just asked for a joystick to an Atari 2600.

"Um, they don't even make those anymore, do they?"

Are you kidding me? Seriously, little kid, did you just ask me that question? OF COURSE they still make them, I checked online before I came. I just didn't feel like waiting for Amazon to deliver me a $8 controller. Disgusted, I leave the store.

And there, across the hall, shining like a beacon of hope for all to see, is my Mecca, Radio Shack, and you know what Radio Shack sells?


But also Playstation controllers. The guy behind the counter, approximately my age, shares in my delight at the dated gaming system and we chat briefly about how sad it is that once great stores, like Gamestop, no longer seem to appreciate the beauty that is an original console.

With my new purchase, I saunter back to Gamestop, give the prepubescent boys a little grief for being total noobs, and proceeded home to do battle with crocodiles and 32 bit graphic snakes.

Thank you, once again, Radio Shack, for saving my bacon, and allowing me a few hours of mind numbing, soul sucking, gaming pleasure. Not only do I share my geek of the week award with you, but I do so gladly, because even though your merchandise is dated and your store smells faintly of mildew, you're still in business, whereas your arch nemesis and great rival, Circuit City, has gone the way of the Walkman. Congratulations, Radio Shack. You never let me down.