Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Makes me warm and fuzzy

Imagine my surprise.
I don't live in Baltimore anymore, but I used to. For a good bit of time, I worked at a cop bar. I know the people in this story, and it makes me smile.
It makes me smile because I'm sure it's true. The officer involved is definitely a little gun happy for my taste, and has been known to put down quite a bit of beer on a regular basis. I only wish this would happen to the rest of his little cronies too.
The one part of this whole story that I can blame on anyone but him is that he had to have his gun on him. He was required to carry his gun with him. All Baltimore cops are in the same boat. Going out for a night of drinking; Better be packing heat. No kiddin. I knew a cop that kept her service weapon in her purse, which was then hung on those little hooks under the bar, randomly kicked by drunks. What could possibly go wrong.
So bad, drunk cop with a gun.

on the other hand