Friday, October 9, 2009

Strange Week

So I'll open up with the fact that I've had a long one and might be just a little out of my head.
One of the first things I discovered this morning is that our president has won the Nobel Peace prize. I must admit this confuses the hell out of me. I'm not trying to get into politics on a pop blog, but a far as I can tell, they're giving him the Nobel peace prize because of all the good they think he's going to do. My research has been less than exhaustive, I admit, but really... the Nobel Prize? He won it on hope, which I admit, is kind of his thing. He's got that hope market pretty solid.
So I've been thinking about this all day and trying to think how to tie it into pop culture so this can be a little relevant for this blog. Then I stumbled on this. Archie is going into 2009 b, and without the requisite 1.21 jigawatts. They're giving him a do-over, apparently because the shocking revelation that he was going to marry Veronica was just unacceptable to the world. That is an entirely different rant.
Before this goes any farther, in an effort to comply with the new ftc regulations coming down the pipeline, Jughead did give me a burger to slander Archie... that ginger bastard.
Back to the rant. What Archie and Obama have in common is a new trend in America. We are coming to a point where hope is all we are asking for, and that's kind of a bummer. The very thought that things might actually get better is all it takes for people to start whooping and punching the air and doing little dances. I've got nothing against doing these things for pretty much any reason... I just wish we had more than "Hey, maybe this will be ok" as a justification. Take what we can get, and if we can't may the lord bless us with a timeline b.
Also, we're bombing the moon.
So we do have that going for us.
Peace, love and biscuits

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