is reporting that
73% of the nation is afraid of how badly things are going in this country. This apparently is coming straight from their most
in-touch crack reporters, who have been stuck in a hotel room in 2003 for the last several years.
Do we really need them to tell us we're scared? And angry? I looked in the mirror earlier and nearly shat myself. Just the look on my face from having to wake up in the morning is terrifying, and that's only because I'd had the news turned on.

If CNN were a relative, it would be that Aunt who does nothing but collects ceramic piano ornaments and lets the family know which obscure cousin died most recently. I don't need to hear that we're all scared and sad and poor, CNN; I can just go to Wal-Mart.
If you think they are bad, try listening to NPR. They are talking about the end of the american economy as we know it. During a pledge drive.