Thursday, March 26, 2009

p0pcult. Casting Call - Green Lantern

As you may or may not not already know, DC's Green Lantern will begin filming this year. Unfortunately, not many people that I know are huge Green Lantern fans, and that's unfortunate, but I am a HUGE GL fan. I wasn't for a long time, but when the Kyle Rayner hit it's peak, I was hooked. How can I not relate to this hero? He's a cartoonist/artist who is given a all-powerful ring that can create ANYTHING his mind can conjure! I'm a cartoonist/artist. I have an active imagination. Where's my ring!?!

Anywho, back in the day, Wizard Magazine would do "casting calls" for various comics and about 3 beers into lunch yesterday with Charlie C, we decided that we need to bring it back.

So, here we go.

Here's the set up: Forget the origin story from the get go. Let's pick up the story in the middle of some serious shit. Battle between worlds, Sinestro Corps versus the Green Lantern Corps in the middle of space and both sides have seen heavy losses... Bodies and unclaimed rings flying everywhere. Maybe a flashback to how each of the Earth GLs got their rings, but nothing to spend too much time.

Hal Jordan- David Boreanaz
The most famous of all the Green Lanterns. Perhaps the film could be his fall into become Parallax then the Spectre. Yes, he was the voice of Hal Jordan in Justice League: The New Frontier, but come on! The voice worked and his looks would work! Whether it was Angel or Agent Booth on Bones, the man can play a cocky asshole with heart better than anyone else.

Kyle Rayner- Jamie Bamber
The aforementioned artist-turned-superhero could be the secret star of the movie (everything thinks Hal Jordan is the star... like The Village) He was great as Lee "Apollo" Adama and if his back-and-forth flirty/funny dialog with Starbuck is any indication of his comedic skills, he could definitely pull off the happy-go-lucky-guy-turned-hero-of-the-universe.

John Stewart- Richard T. Jones
A Marine given the powers of the Green Lantern with a strict morale code, and put into the Justice League as an Affirmative Action requirement in all modern cartoons. While he plays the soft-spoken and religious-based FBI Agent/Unwitting Accessory James Ellison on Sarah Connor, he was a complete bad ass as Cooper in Event Horizon. That alone justifies this choice.

Alan Scott- Bruce Davison
The Golden Age Green Lantern just so happens to have a very loose (retconned) connection to the Green Lantern Corps, he is part of continuity and could play an interesting part in the battle and to guide Kyle Rayner. All of my experience with Bruce Davison makes him out to be a pretty good dickhead on screen, but the new Knight Rider showed he can play the fatherly figure very well.

Guy Gardner- John Cena
The Bad Boy of the Corps, Guy always holds a grudge towards Jordan but will have to put their differences aside for the greater good.
Guy Gardner is a badass. He's tough and gruff and ripped... Who better to play the role than someone who's job is to be all those things. And it's a small enough role to keep Cena tolerable.

Kilowog- Voiced by Michael Clark Duncan
A Green Lantern for Space Sector 647, he's large, strong and Pink. Acting as the light comic relief, Kilowog could be characterized as a rookie and exceptionally kind-hearted for his size. He would be incredibly intelligent, however most other characters would assume he is dense and dim-witted.

Jade- Jessica Beil
Allan Scott's daughter and super heroine in her own right, Jade fights with the Corps, but outside their ranks. Jade is Kyle Rayner's girlfriend ans would act as the movie's "eye candy" hence Jessica Beil.

Carol Ferris- Bridget Moynahan
Hal Jordan's love interest, President of Ferris Aeronautics. Headstrong and able to put Hal in his place when he gets out of line with emotion, but kind and loving enough to build him up when he needs it. She plays nice, she plays bitch, and she plays hot. Tom Brady, you're a dumb sonofabitch.

Sinestro- Stanley Tucci
The fallen Green Lantern and now their greatest threat. Stanley Tucci can do just about anything, and you need a command performance to play a very powerful and dark villian. He played a power-hungry asshole in the Terminal, now imagine that guy a million times over and... pink.

Green Arrow (Non-costumed Cameo)- James Marsters
Hal Jordan's longtime friend. It will be fun to just see these two together on screen, but he has to have the classic facial hair and the blonde hair.

Feel free to comment below!

TxtBattle: Battle of the Worst fanfic ideas ever

Gus:  Here's an idea for you:  What if we could keep people in PokeBalls?  Think of the profits.  Pokeprostitute, Go!
Charlie:  That actually sounds more like fanfic fetish than anything else.  ...Not saying I can't use that.
Gus:  It's a throwaway idea, really.
Charlie:  But it leads to an article on 'the most inadvisable fanfics ever'
Charlie:  Another example:  A transformer/GEM crossover involving a plot to blow up a massage/motor oils factory.  Truly, truly, TRULY more outrageous than meets the eye.
Gus:  Movie or cartoon transformers?
Charlie:  To make the proportions and metal-on-flesh even more awkward?  Movie.  Think of the x-rated transformer possibilities.
Gus:  Oh my.
Charlie:  See?  Inadvisable.
Gus:  A Teddy Ruxpin - My Little Pony double beastiality combo.
Charlie:  Rainbow Brite meets Gargamel.
Gus:  2 Glow worms, 1 cup.
Charlie:  Alex P Keaton and Marty McFly hook up with Teen Wolf.
Gus:  "When I kiss you... it's like I'm kissing... my brother."
Charlie:  The destruction might in fact be localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.
Gus:  Sweet.

...Feel free to continue below.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A true hero: Thai Spiderman

Reading this title, you'd probably think this was just a gag article, but this story is fo' reals -- a Thai Firefighter dressed up as Spiderman in order to help a distressed Autistic child off of a ledge.

I have a very deep respect for anyone who's willing to help people, especially in creative ways.  Alongside that, I'm a big fan of those who assist the mentally disabled.


Go to the link -- the BBC could use a little more global attention anyway -- and read the story.  Check out the picture.  Spiderman climbs up and hands you some juice?  Best effin' day ever.