I remember waking up Christmas morning when I was, I think, 7 years old, and under the Christmas tree was an enormous box, with my name on it. What could Santa possible think to get me that would go in such a big box?
So began the big box with the smaller box inside, with the smaller box inside, with the smaller box inside (we weren't too concerned with global warming at this point in my parents' house.) Eight boxes later, was a little package that fit, approximately, in my hand. With great reverence, I opened my first Walkman, and screamed loud enough to shatter crystal (or so my mother swears.)
I took that Walkman everywhere I could, even places it wasn't allowed (like school.) I listened to Pat Benatar and The Beach Boys and Jimmy Buffet, and anything else my parents bought for me, because at 7, I had pretty poor taste in music ("Oh mom, can't I please have the New Kids on the Block tape?!?" Thank God for my mother's better judgment.)
I remember going with my parents to Radio Shack to get new headphones when I broke the ones that came standard with my Walkman. I insisted on Radio Shack, because of the commercial with the little kid who buys his Walkman in Radio Shack, then sees the ad for another store with the same Walkman, only cheaper. And the clerk in the store looks at the little boy with this absolutely grim face, then turns to the register, pulls out some money, and hands it to the kid, with a smile. And the kid says, “cool!” and walks out.

Because of this commercial, I still make most of my electronic purchases at Radio Shack (with the great exception of computers, because they’re really not a computer retailer, and they don’t really claim to be.) I may be the only person I know who still goes to Radio Shack rather than, say, the Sprint store.
I have great issues with my phone company’s stores. Now, I love Sprint. I wouldn’t dream of leaving them for Verizon, because, whenever I have ANY issues with my billing, regardless of whose at fault (and let’s be honest, it’s usually my bad) they always take the charges off my account. I have a retardedly high spending limit with Sprint, because I’ve been with them since I got my first cell phone (years after everyone else, because I am horrendously technology resistant.)
While I love Sprint, I loathe the Sprint store. Their customer service has never been anything more than mediocre, and their sales staff is pretentious as Hell. If the particular phone I want isn’t in stock, they’ll tell me to order it online. If the air card I need that day isn’t there, they’ll say the same. Not so with my friends at Radio Shack.
I go to Radio Shack because, whatever I want, if it’s not in the store, they find it for me. The guys at the store on Route 40 won’t hesitate to drive to Ellicott City, Reisterstown, even Owings Mills, just to get me a charger for my cell phone.
And what saddens me is that no one appreciates the guys at Radio Shack. It’s that dinky little electronics store that was useful in the 90’s, but that has since outlived its efficacy. And it’s crap.
So to Greg, Steve, Leon, Diondre, and all my friends at the Radio Shack on Route 40, this Bud’s for you!
So began the big box with the smaller box inside, with the smaller box inside, with the smaller box inside (we weren't too concerned with global warming at this point in my parents' house.) Eight boxes later, was a little package that fit, approximately, in my hand. With great reverence, I opened my first Walkman, and screamed loud enough to shatter crystal (or so my mother swears.)
I took that Walkman everywhere I could, even places it wasn't allowed (like school.) I listened to Pat Benatar and The Beach Boys and Jimmy Buffet, and anything else my parents bought for me, because at 7, I had pretty poor taste in music ("Oh mom, can't I please have the New Kids on the Block tape?!?" Thank God for my mother's better judgment.)
I remember going with my parents to Radio Shack to get new headphones when I broke the ones that came standard with my Walkman. I insisted on Radio Shack, because of the commercial with the little kid who buys his Walkman in Radio Shack, then sees the ad for another store with the same Walkman, only cheaper. And the clerk in the store looks at the little boy with this absolutely grim face, then turns to the register, pulls out some money, and hands it to the kid, with a smile. And the kid says, “cool!” and walks out.
Because of this commercial, I still make most of my electronic purchases at Radio Shack (with the great exception of computers, because they’re really not a computer retailer, and they don’t really claim to be.) I may be the only person I know who still goes to Radio Shack rather than, say, the Sprint store.
I have great issues with my phone company’s stores. Now, I love Sprint. I wouldn’t dream of leaving them for Verizon, because, whenever I have ANY issues with my billing, regardless of whose at fault (and let’s be honest, it’s usually my bad) they always take the charges off my account. I have a retardedly high spending limit with Sprint, because I’ve been with them since I got my first cell phone (years after everyone else, because I am horrendously technology resistant.)
While I love Sprint, I loathe the Sprint store. Their customer service has never been anything more than mediocre, and their sales staff is pretentious as Hell. If the particular phone I want isn’t in stock, they’ll tell me to order it online. If the air card I need that day isn’t there, they’ll say the same. Not so with my friends at Radio Shack.
I go to Radio Shack because, whatever I want, if it’s not in the store, they find it for me. The guys at the store on Route 40 won’t hesitate to drive to Ellicott City, Reisterstown, even Owings Mills, just to get me a charger for my cell phone.
And what saddens me is that no one appreciates the guys at Radio Shack. It’s that dinky little electronics store that was useful in the 90’s, but that has since outlived its efficacy. And it’s crap.
So to Greg, Steve, Leon, Diondre, and all my friends at the Radio Shack on Route 40, this Bud’s for you!
So it took all of three seconds on ye olde innernets to find out that the commercial I was referencing was not for Radio Shack at all.
It's a Circuit City commercial.
Guess that price match policy really worked in their favor.
Except not.
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