Interesting ratings pull from last night: both Chuck (6.5 million viewers) and Heroes (6.9 million) were last in their timeslots in competition with the major networks. This appears to echo a trend across the board for virtually every TV program, except possibly American Idol -- although the high turnover in that TV audience has to screw with the ratings. On an average Idol night, 25 million might tune in, but how many of them are being lost before the first half hour -- and how many tune in after that point? (And how many are functionally mentally disabled?)
My point is that people seem to be ignoring scheduled TV more and more this year. Perhaps the change in the country's climate -- from "Too safe to yell, too angry to stay quiet" to "Too poor to shut up, too hopeful to get angry" -- has put people's perspectives in order. Who gives a shit about LOST when you have to get up for a crappy second job at 4:30 in the morning?
Realistically, though, the sheer amount of Piracy when it comes to TV probably makes Malasia look like a Disney World attraction.
The sad irony of piracy is that it encourages the destruction of the material which it seeks to loot. Without it we might not have amazing shows still available to us -- Arrested Development, Battlestar, Family Guy; all were kept in tupperware Internet containers while the owners piss-fought over whether or not these shows were worth the trouble. In the end, however, some were worthy and some weren't; piracy statistics unfortunately deflate studio executive erections like Bird Shot at the Macy's parade. Loving a show isn't enough -- we must pay for our time with it in commercials.

Maybe they're using the wrong Chuck.
Oh well. Support Chuck and Heroes by hitting them up on Hulu. In fact, watch everything on Hulu. We're hitting the Iron/Bronze age of the internet, and if we don't support the shit that works, they'll be charging us for Youtube and billing us for "Chatting minutes." And when the internet reverts back to the old Prodigy and Compuserve days, I'm done -- bow and arrow, loincloth, and a treehouse for me. I can do without Wifi.
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