Monday, February 23, 2009

It makes me want to tear my eyes out...and I think I might like it...

It figures it's by Louis XIV, because all things French a) surrender and b) are lame. However, I have an addiction to this song.

Unfortunately, I can't find the studio version on Youtube (read: I'm too lazy to keep looking) so here's a live version, not so bad, all things considered:

And here's my dilemma...(that word never looks like it's spelled correctly)

I LOVE this song, but at the same time, I HATE THIS SONG.

It's one of those catchy little beats that sticks in your head and loops itself over and over again like a Mobius strip. And while I enjoy the music (and by enjoy I mean it stays with me until I want to pummel some unsuspecting unfortunate stranger to said beat) the lyrics get on my nerves. All these types of women that this guy evidently wants to "shake up," and I could shake the shit out of him for singing such absolute blather.

The part of this song that strangely thrills me is when this girl in this pleading voice sings "wind me up and make me crawl to you, tie me up and make me call for you."

In some strange, borderline S&M way, that's just hawt.

And because of that titillating piece of lyricism, I love that song.


Damn it.

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