Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A true hero: Thai Spiderman

Reading this title, you'd probably think this was just a gag article, but this story is fo' reals -- a Thai Firefighter dressed up as Spiderman in order to help a distressed Autistic child off of a ledge.

I have a very deep respect for anyone who's willing to help people, especially in creative ways.  Alongside that, I'm a big fan of those who assist the mentally disabled.


Go to the link -- the BBC could use a little more global attention anyway -- and read the story.  Check out the picture.  Spiderman climbs up and hands you some juice?  Best effin' day ever.


  1. hah. I love that this guy just HAPPENED to have a spiderman costume handy. wonderful.

  2. It is sort of an odd thing to have lying around. Give it up to those firefighters, though, as they're SUPER-prepared. Like some sort of space mutant Boy Scout troop.

  3. He also happens to be a huge Tobey Maguire fan and owns the horse used in Seabiscuit and the only known working power glove.

    "I love the power glove. It's so bad"
