Gus: Here's an idea for you: What if we could keep people in PokeBalls? Think of the profits. Pokeprostitute, Go!
Charlie: That actually sounds more like fanfic fetish than anything else. ...Not saying I can't use that.
Gus: It's a throwaway idea, really.
Charlie: But it leads to an article on 'the most inadvisable fanfics ever'
Charlie: Another example: A transformer/GEM crossover involving a plot to blow up a massage/motor oils factory. Truly, truly, TRULY more outrageous than meets the eye.
Gus: Movie or cartoon transformers?
Charlie: To make the proportions and metal-on-flesh even more awkward? Movie. Think of the x-rated transformer possibilities.
Gus: Oh my.
Charlie: See? Inadvisable.
Gus: A Teddy Ruxpin - My Little Pony double beastiality combo.
Charlie: Rainbow Brite meets Gargamel.
Gus: 2 Glow worms, 1 cup.
Charlie: Alex P Keaton and Marty McFly hook up with Teen Wolf.
Gus: "When I kiss you... it's like I'm kissing... my brother."
Charlie: The destruction might in fact be localized, limited to merely our own galaxy.
Gus: Sweet.
...Feel free to continue below.
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