The Legendary Titans of OldHair: King and Trump.
Trump, who is not known for throwing aside his business savvy for much, even went just a little bit anti-macho. (Don't call it gay, or he'll have you whacked.) Saying of a shirtless Bret, "He looked good," he expressed surprise about Michaels' current health situation, and a pretty surprisingly bromancy concern for Bret himself. Don't be mistaken: The Donald seems to be a decent dude, and so is Bret. Stages of careers for either aside, it seems like they're really quite mature guys, who might just deserve some lasting spotlight. They should get a buddy-cop show together. Or remake Jake and the Fat Man for the movies.
Here's hoping Bret gets better. Dude was apparently working pretty hard for that show, and the finale isn't filmed for a Trump-confirmed five weeks. A pretty enthusiastic manager released a very optimistic timeline for recovery, but only time will tell.
The interview took Donald's opinion down about a few current issues, including Arizona's new immigration law -- which he apparently believes is the right way to go. As is nearly always the case for Trump, ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking. Whatever your politics, Don, leave 'em out of the public eye -- your talent is in business.
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