Friday, February 20, 2009

Side Post: Ode de Pen

In my opinion, permanent markers/pens do not fit into the definition of "Pop Culture." However, anyone who has been watching this new season of [scrubs] may have noticed that many of the new interns usually are sporting a black clicky Sharpie marker. I'll go on about [scrubs] season 8 in a later post, because I love that show again and it needs special attention. For now, I need to shout this to the world:

I effing LOVE Clicky Sharpie pens. I can't get enough of them. I think that man has reached the peak of writing utensils with the design of Clicky Sharpie Pens.

It's perfectly weight-distributed, it's convenient, and they're fun to play with. I don't generally like clicky-top pens, but I have a boner for Clicky Sharpie pens.

Clicky. Sharpie. Pens.

1 comment:

  1. For the love of god, please don't ever write about M*A*S*H.

    Would you recommend these to a writer, though? Or are these primarily for graphics-arts junkies?
